Tuesday, October 22, 2024 ..:: Write and Earn ::.. Register  Login
John Doe, MI

Write & Earn

There are a lot of great professionals who have excellent communication skills! For years, I've been watching them on multiple so-called Forum websites. These people are eager to help the others, such as DIY-s or just their less educated colleagues, but their options are limited! For example on one website DIY-ers are banned, on another DIY is allowed but they do not have ability to provide step-by-step instructions to a specific question because they are sitting home, but people in need are hundreds miles away...

Therefore, from now on everyone who is capable of writing good installation instructions may start doing that and earn!

So, here is the deal:

If you can write an article, a chapter or a book for my website, I'll allow you to earn some money straight from my site (see explanations how it may work for you below).

Currently, on this site I have 144 paid pages and 6 books (Site Map). Almost all of these pages are parts of the books and sold separately. However, a lot of topics
are still not covered: for some of them I do not have enough knowledge, for the others I do not have any photographs to support my explanations. And because of that any of you have a great opportunity to put your knowledge in writing and get some money (and more) in return!

Now here are some instructions for the Article, Chapter, and Book. Remember that these are great opportunities to get some cash.


As an Article, I consider any type of information that would be useful for people involved in the HVAC business and for their customers and sellable at the low price, ranging from $1.86 (installation in pictures + short comments) and up to $40.00 (pictures plus step-by-step instructions).

For example, you can write an article for one of these topics and many more:

  • How to Bid Job to Install Ductwork for Residential House
  • Fiberglass Duct Board System Installation
  • How to Increase Airflow Through Long Flex Duct
  • How to Run Cloth Dryer Exhaust Through Attic
  • How to Install Air Heat Exchanger
  • How to Build Enclosure around Air Handler/Furnace in Attic
  • How to Figure out Labor Cost for your Ductwork Installation
  • Training of the Flexible Duct Installer
  • How to Install New Ductwork in the Attic
  • How to Start Ductwork Installation Business
  • How to Replace an Air Conditioner
If you would write an article that someone is able to use for his/her business or household needs I will:
  • Set up a Buy Now button that for five years will direct all revenue generated by this article to your PayPal account.
  • For the first ten years I'll post your company's name, address, email address and telephone number on the Wall of Pride page for advertising purposes (optional).
  • Make a page for you with a link to it on the side bar (see an example on the left) where I will post your and your company's name, address, email address, telephone number, and links to all your writings (optional).

In addition, you can choose any other topic, which is not covered on my site, for example, I have only one article for the light commercial installation.


As a Chapter, I consider step-by-step instructions written for an experienced HVAC installer, who is just unfamiliar with this or that type of installation that can be inserted in one of my books. A chapter must have a lot of pictures that would support your explanations that are almost on the step-by-step basis and have to be sellable at the low price, ranging from $1.86 (installation in pictures plus short comments) and up to $40.00 (pictures plus step-by-step instructions).
For example, currently I'm interested in four topics:

Attic Furnace/Air Handler Ductwork Installation

On my site, I already have two chapters and one installation in pictures page dedicated to this topic. What I'm looking for this chapter are step-by-step instructions:

  • How to install furnace/air handler on rafters in the secondary condensate pan
  • How to suspend furnace/air handler from the rafters
  • How to run all ductwork for the Rough-in stage of the project
  • How to run all ductwork in flexes in the attic application
  • How to run furnace exhaust and condensate line
Only a professional who is residing in one of the southern states must write this particular chapter, so I can advertise it as a unique southern way of installation.

Closet Furnace/Air Handler Ductwork Installation

In this chapter, I would like to see:
  • How to install the Upflow furnace/air handler on the cold air box or cold air return plenum with ductwork in the crawlspace and supply ductwork at the ceiling
  • How to install the Downflow furnace (A/C coil) on the supply plenum, run ductwork in the crawlspace and cold air return at the ceiling
  • How to run furnace exhaust and condensate line
Crawlspace Furnace/Air Handler Ductwork Installation

In this chapter, I would like to see:
  • How to install furnace/air handler on the floor and run ductwork in the crawlspace
  • How to suspend furnace/air handler from the joists
  • How to run furnace exhaust and condensate line
Garage Furnace/Air Handler Ductwork Installation

In this chapter, I would like to see:
  • How to install the Upflow furnace/air handler and run all necessary ductwork to the crawlspace or to the attic, or both
  • How to install the Downflow furnace/air handler and run all necessary ductwork to the crawlspace or to the attic, or both
  • How to run the furnace exhaust and condensate line

If you would write one of the chapters above for my book, I will:

  • Publish your chapter on my site; set your Buy Now button so you'll receive the payments for your work straight to your PayPal account
  • For the first ten years post your company name, address, email address and telephone number on the Wall of Pride page for advertising purposes  (optional)
  • Make a page for you with a link to it in the side bar (see an example on the left) where I will post your and your company's name, address, email address, telephone number and links to all your writings (optional)


As a book, I consider step-by-step instructions written for any experienced and/or inexperienced user, such as an apprentice or DIY-er. A book must have a lot of pictures that will support your explanations almost on a step-by-step basis and can be sold without need of any additional instructions and has to be sellable at the low price, ranging from $10.62 up to $200.00.

For example, currently I'm interested in five topics for the books:

  • Attic Furnace/Air Handler Ductwork Installation
  • Closet Furnace/Air Handler Ductwork Installation
  • Crawlspace Furnace/Air Handler Ductwork Installation
  • Garage Furnace/Air Handler Ductwork Installation
  • Installation of Air Heat Exchanger

If you would write a book, I will:

  • Publish your book on my site; set your Buy Now button so you'll receive the payments for your work straight to your PayPal account
  • Post your company name, address, email address and telephone number on the Wall of Pride page for the advertising purposes for the first ten years (optional)
  • Make a page for you with a link to it on the side bar (see an example on the left) where I will post your and your company's name, address, email address, telephone number and links to all your writings (optional)

If you decide to participate please send me an email from this page.

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